Southside RP

Official Server Ruleset

Before loading into our server please read all of our rules as they may be different from most of the cities you are familiar with. Failure to abide by our city rules will lead to a punishment or removal from our community.

Be sure to join our official discord server which can be found at in order to stay up to date with all of the latest announcements and updates. It is the best place to interact with the community and communicate with any staff or management for any concerns you may have.

1. Metagaming, Powergaming, and Stream Sniping

  • 1.1
    Metagaming. Retrieving and/or mixing OOC information with IC information to put you or others at an advantage. Even if it does not put you at an advantage, mixing OOC with IC is considered Meta-Gaming. Only use information you received In-Character. Transferring items between your own characters is also metagaming. This includes using middle men to achieve the same task.
  • 1.2
    Powergaming. Forcing role play on another player without giving him or her the option to dictate their own fate. In RP, both parties must be able to decide how their characters will respond to something. If you have someone handcuffed or zip tied, you do not need to /me taking their comms as they are at your mercy. (They are cuffed and can’t physically use their phone to text/call.)
  • 1.3
    Stream Sniping. Using someone’s live stream to find their location to interact in any way is considered metagaming and is punishable as such.

2. Random Deathmatch (RDM) | Initiation

  • 2.1
    Random Deathmatch (RDM). Defined as killing a player with little to no interaction.
  • 2.2
    Player Initiation. When initiating, you must make the player aware of the intent of role play while being in plain view of the player. While initiating you must allow the other person to respond to your role play with words or actions before engaging.
  • 2.3
    Group Initiation. While with a group of other players, to properly initiate as a group at least one person needs to express the intentions of the entire group.

3. Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM)

  • 3.1
    Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM). The act of harming someone using a vehicle. Driving over someone with the intent to do violence against another player is strictly prohibited. There are two exceptions to this rule: If you are fleeing a dangerous scene, and one of your attackers steps in front of your vehicle and you have no other choice but to run over the person attacking you. If an accident does occur, roleplaying out the scene properly will negate the rulebreak.

4. Exploiting of Game Systems and Modding

  • 4.1
    Exploiting. Considered any method used to game something outside of what the “typical” result is meant to be. Anything that we feel is exploiting will be met with a no appeal permanent ban. Some of the more common examples of exploiting are:
    - AFK Grinding or money making
    - Weapon / Item / Money Duplication
  • 4.2
    Exploit/Cheater Affiliation. Having knowledge of someone who is exploiting/cheating or even knowing of an exploit and not reporting it to developers or administrators is also a bannable offense. Withholding information regarding exploits will be met with the same punishment as those who exploited the system themselves.
  • 4.3
    Cheating / Modding. Will lead to a permanent ban from our server.
    - Mod Menus
    - UI Files
    - Suspicious tweaks done to your PC commonly done by cheaters

5. Combat Logging

  • 5.1
    Combat Logging. Exiting your game in any fashion to avoid RP. Combat logging comes in many forms, but examples are listed below:
    - Exiting the server to avoid legal charges.
    - Exiting the server before your five minute timer is up.
    - Exiting the server to avoid losing weapons via respawn/robbery.
    - Exiting the server or respawning during an active scene.

6. Going Out of Character

  • 6.1
    Going OOC. You should remain in character in voice at all times. Referencing OOC information in voice, no matter how vague the wording is, is considered going OOC.
    - If someone breaks a rule in game don’t bring it up in game instead make a player report for admins to handle it.
    - “You guys shot us without initiating.”
    - Do not use terms such as “City Official” and “Green Grass” in the city at any time, this is considered going OOC and you can be punished for it. Do not discuss server rules in game.

7. Restricted Roleplay

  • 7.1
    Slurs. There will be no racism tolerated on the server whatsoever. This includes slang words that can be considered offensive to some. Homophobic, racial, or gender offensive slurs of any kind can and likely will, result in a ban. These will not be tolerated here. Slurs against nationality are also not tolerated. (Calling black people monkeys.)
  • 7.2
    Sexual RP. Any kind of sexual RP is not allowed unless both parties agree to it IC or OOC. It has to be consensual or away from others, meaning it can not be in any public places. Any form of sexual roleplay performed on others without consent will result in a permanent ban. Rape RP is not allowed and definitely will not be tolerated.
    - Going behind someone humping them is sexual harassment and will result in a perma ban.
  • 7.3
    Gruesome RP. Torture RP (unless with consent from the other party) is also not tolerated. It can be considered power-gaming as well. If at any point you are uncomfortable with a situation, you may tell the other player via local/OOC chat that you are uncomfortable and to please stop.
  • 7.4
    Mental Health Roleplay. Any kind of roleplay mimicking mental health illness issues will not be tolerated. This includes self-harm, suicide, and other mental health issues such as abuse/trauma.

8. Griefing and Revenge Reporting

  • 8.1
    Griefing. Griefing a player to the point where they are uncomfortable or ruining their game experience is not allowed. Griefing can refer to constant stalking of a player without an in-character reason, constantly killing an individual over and over within a decent time frame, texting or tweeting at them, harassing a player through OOC chat, or forcing yourself into their RP scenarios. Camping job sites strictly to rob or otherwise charge people for their use is also considered griefing. Griefing can also include reporting or revenge reporting.
  • 8.2
    Revenge Reporting. Includes reporting a person strictly due to the knowledge they have reported you or another person as well as repeatedly forcing interactions and recording to report another individual in hopes of getting them banned. This also includes holding onto clips of valid rule breaks and turning them in due to an issue you may have with another player. For this reason, clips will not be accepted if presented after 48 hours. (Targeting a player you dislike over and over making it impossible for them to enjoy the server is punishable.)

9. PC Checks

  • 9.1
    PC Checks. These are mandatory if a Security Team member asks you to join discord for one. You cannot deny a PC check or you will be permanently banned from the server. A high ranked staff member will be present to ensure this task is done professionally and your PC is never tampered with.
    - You will be banned for dodging a PC check.
    - If you are banned by the Anti Cheat, don’t ask for a PC Check it banned you for a doubtful reason.

10. Robbery, Kidnapping, Fake Hostages, Scamming

  • 10.1
    Chain robberies are not permitted and you cannot rob players endlessly. You must wait 45 minutes before robbing another person. You cannot kill a player after you have already robbed them unless they are disobeying your orders or aren’t being compliant. (You rob someone then 5 minutes later you see someone with a gun and partake in a robbing spree.)
  • 10.2
    If you kidnap someone for a hostage situation you may only hold them hostage for 15 minutes. You cannot kidnap on Duty EMS or Mechanic workers. (If you have a hostage and by the time you get to the place you wanted to rob someone is already robbing it you must let the hostage go after 15 minutes.)
  • 10.3
    You cannot use a fake hostage. All hostages must be acquired through roleplay and the hostage cannot be in on it. (Cannot be your friend, gang/group member, or someone that agreed to being a hostage for a percentage of the pay.)
  • 10.4
    The scam limit is $50,000. You cannot scam for any vehicles or property. (If you give someone your house/business on accident you can get it back with proof.)
  • 10.5
    Loot Boxing. Robbing cops or individuals without valid reasons, solely for personal gain, is not permitted. This includes pocketing wiping someone without justification.
  • 10.6
    Scenes do not continue after tsunami unless both parties agree to carry on the scene. (Unless it is involving pd where you have to continue after tsunami)
  • 10.7
    You are allowed to dump players.
  • 10.8
    You can hold players but no longer than 5 minutes.

11. New Life Rule (NLR)

  • 11.1
    New Life Rule (NLR). After being incapacitated your character cannot remember any events that occurred in the past 30 minutes leading up to your death. (You can’t mention anything about your death to anyone as your memory was wiped.)

12. Low Effort Roleplay

  • 12.1
    Low-effort RP. Low-effort RP is not permitted. RP centers on improvisation and story progression. It's essential not to bypass the creative process to reach a resolution. Take your time with scenes, and ensure everyone understands the motivations behind actions.

    - Initiating by aggressively pitting or ramming a vehicle. (You are chasing someone and continue to slam into their vehicle so they spin out and their vehicle breaks down.)

    - You see a player you have never seen before and appears to be non-affiliated with any group/gang due to no gang identifiers being visible so you rob them. You have no beef prior to this and have no realistic reason to rob this player.

    - You hear on radio someone from your group has been shot but nobody has eyes on the shooter. 15 minutes go by and you finally see them so you approach their vehicle and say “Aye you’re the guy that shot my friend, huh?” and unload on them. (You need to initiate properly and address the issue, bring up any roleplay that occurred between both parties and if it turns into a hostile situation roleplaying everything accordingly.)

13. Criminal Group Size Limitations

  • 13.1
    Store Robbery. A maximum of 4 individuals allowed.
  • 13.2
    House Robbery. A maximum of 4 individuals allowed.
  • 13.3
    Jewelry Store Robberies. A maximum of 6 individuals allowed.
  • 13.4
    Robbing Big Banks. Non-whitelisted members: Limit of 6 individuals. Whitelisted members from the same gang or family: Limit of 10 individuals.
  • 13.5
    Robbing an Individual. Non-whitelisted members: Limit of 6 individuals. Whitelisted members from the same gang or family: Limit of 10 individuals.
  • 13.6
    Any Other Criminal Activity. Whitelisted members from the same gang or family: Limit of 15 individuals. Non-whitelisted members: Limit of 6 individuals.
  • 13.7
    You are not allowed to take any EMS or PD vehicle.


  • 14.1
    You should never resort to killing unless it is your final option. Not valuing your life/failure to roleplay fear will always lead to a punishment. You must always value your life and roleplay everything out. If you're worried more about losing an item than properly roleplaying fear when a threat is opposed to you then you're playing the wrong server. We will go in your inventory and take the item anyways if you decide to F8 Quit or leave the scene in any type of way. You MUST NOT draw a firearm if someone already has a gun pointed at you.
  • 14.2
    You MUST raise your hands if you're being threatened with a firearm and you didn't have a weapon out beforehand, or if you're confronted by three individuals attempting robbery, even if you had a firearm drawn. However there may be situations that present themselves where you can have an opportunity to retaliate / get away from the scene.
  • 14.3
    Examples of NVL situations.
    - You are on your phone without a weapon out and three rival gang members run up behind you and are attempting to rob you. You have no choice but to surrender in this situation.
    - You are being chased by 5 gang vehicles and your vehicle is about to break down. You are letting your gang know your location but they aren't able to make it on time. You slam into a pole on accident and your vehicle breaks down so the rival gang swarms in on you and hop out their vehicles drawing guns on you. You do not have a clear passage and completely stuck. You must surrender in this situation and value your life.
  • 14.4
    Examples of NVL situation where you may have an option to retaliate.
    - The group of people that are robbing you stop aiming your guns to shoot at your gang members, You will be able to use that space of time to return fire and strike the group of people that were attempting to rob you. ( If weapon is in hand already)
    A group of people pull up to rob you and its only three of them, so you throw your hands up but at the same time your homie starts shooting and kills one of them, in that moment you can use that time to run or take action against the enemies. (As long as you have a weapon out and none of them are looking at you with a gun pointed in your direction)

15. Interrupting/Injecting into scenes

  • 15.1
    You cannot inject yourself into active roleplay scenes, 3rd party an active gunfight or police chase. Police can inject themselves into any type of criminal roleplay being committed as it is their duty.
  • 15.2
    You are passing by a shootout and see one person left that's apart of a shootout you're not involved in. You and your friends decide to hop out while he's healing and attempt to rob him. The player MUST make sure you are aware that they're involved in an active scene and once that is announce you must leave immediately.
  • 15.3
    Police are chasing a player you have beef with so you hop out of your vehicle and shoot their tires to lower the odds of them escaping. You're injecting into the chase that has nothing to do with you and you will be punished for griefing/injecting.
  • 15.4
    If a certain group is doing a heist with police on scene another group cannot attempt to counter the active scene.

16. Wills

  • 16.1
    A will can be left in the event of your characters death. There are some restrictions, however:
    - Only properties, vehicles and money can be willed, not inventory items of any kind.
    - Your will must be accepted by a judge PRIOR to your character’s death.
    - Money left can not be more than $500,000.
    - Vehicles left can not be more than 5.
    - Properties/Vehicles/Money must be left to one individual. The executor can do with the willed items as they see fit.
    - The housing cap still counts towards your allowed maximum. If a house is left to someone already at their housing cap, the house will be in default and be reclaimed by the city.

17. "48hr Beef" rule

  • 17.1
    If you get into a hostile interaction with a gang member or crim you have 48hrs to retaliate and take whatever vengeance you want on that player. Anything past those 48hrs will not be a proper reason to have beef with that player/gang anymore.
  • 17.2
    Example. You take a player's parking spot at a club and they start to punch you and beat you up with a bat out of frustration. You find him the next day and you stab him with a knife for injuring you and sending you to the hospital.

18. Shootings in a Greenzone

  • 18.1
    You are able to shoot back at PD inside a greenzone if PD initiate on you or your gang members. PD must initiate, not you. If they are trying to arrest your gang member and attempt to taze him that is initiation so you can act on it as you wish.
  • 18.2
    Example. You take a player's parking spot at a club and they start to punch you and beat you up with a bat out of frustration. You find him the next day and you stab him with a knife for injuring you and sending you to the hospital.

19. Ten Minute Greenzone Rule

  • 19.1
    Gangs are allowed to give other enemy gang members that are in a greenzone 10 minutes to leave the respective greenzone. If they don’t leave the greenzone within that 10 minutes you are able to report them for power gaming/low effort role play. Both parties still need to initiate on one another properly with proper reasoning and roleplay.
  • 19.2
    Greenzones are valid for a span of 10 minutes until it is considered NITRP, they are meant to be a criminal activity free zone however staying in one without being in a scene or clocked in will result in a punishment.
  • 19.3
    Example. You spot an enemy gang member at the mechanic shop flirting with a female. He is not clocked in there or anything so you can initiate the 10 minute greenzone rule and inform that player they have 10 minutes to leave. Keep track of the timer and remind them occassionally so they're aware of the time and also use this time to get a clip of the interaction. If that palyer does not leave after the 10 minute timer is up you can report them and can leave the scene to prevent from going OOC.

Last updated Sun, 12 May 2024 23:22:30 GMT